Saeed Rasekhi | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Saeed Rasekhi | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Mr Saeed Rasekhi, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain

Based on Mr. Saeed Rasekhi’s extensive and diverse achievements, he appears to be a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award.

Publication profile

google scholar

Research Expertise and Publications

Mr. Rasekhi has demonstrated considerable expertise in multiple areas of research. His Ph.D. research at Universidad de Valladolid focuses on Atmospheric Physics, showcasing his depth in analyzing urban heat islands and pollution. His publications in reputable journals like Sustainable Cities and Society and Urban Climate Journal highlight his contributions to environmental science and urban climate studies. The topics he addresses, such as urban heat islands and air pollution trends, reflect his ability to conduct impactful research with real-world applications.

Skills and Technological Proficiency

He possesses a robust set of skills in programming and data analysis with proficiency in tools like Python, Matlab, and various machine learning frameworks (PyTorch, Keras). His expertise extends to mathematical modeling, which is crucial for understanding complex systems in physics and engineering. His experience in utilizing advanced simulation and analysis tools like Aspen and PROOSIS further underscores his technical capabilities.

Educational Background

His educational background is solid, with a Ph.D. in Applied Physics and previous degrees in Physics and Civil Engineering. This diverse academic foundation equips him with a broad perspective and the ability to integrate knowledge across disciplines.

Teaching and Research Experience

Mr. Rasekhi’s teaching experience includes courses in Project Management and Computational Physics, demonstrating his ability to convey complex concepts. His involvement in research projects, particularly those funded by the European Union, and his role as a research assistant at the University of Valladolid, highlight his active engagement in advancing scientific knowledge.

Certificates and Professional Development

He has earned several certificates in relevant areas such as Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Google Analytics, showcasing his commitment to continuous learning and staying current with technological advancements.

Conference Participation

His participation in international conferences and workshops, such as ECAS 2023 and the 7th Meeting on Planetary Sciences, indicates his active involvement in the global research community and his dedication to disseminating his work and learning from peers.


Overall, Mr. Saeed Rasekhi’s comprehensive research experience, technical skills, educational background, and active participation in the scientific community position him as a highly deserving candidate for the Best Researcher Award. His ability to contribute to and advance knowledge in environmental science, data analysis, and machine learning aligns well with the criteria for this accolade.

Publication top notes

The London pollution island under Lamb weather types

Trend and the Cycle of Fluctuations and Statistical Distribution of Temperature of Berlin, Germany, in the Period 1995–2012

Assessing the Trends of Three Main Air Pollutants in Tehran City Using Data from Sentinel-5



XIAODI ZHAO | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

XIAODI ZHAO | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr XIAODI ZHAO, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China

Based on the provided information, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Xiaodi Zhao demonstrates a strong candidacy for the Best Researcher Award.

Publication profile


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Xiaodi Zhao is a distinguished researcher with a profound impact on forestry policy, carbon sink potential, and ecological management. His extensive work at the Chinese Academy of Forestry and international collaboration with the University of British Columbia highlights his global influence. His research projects, backed by significant funding, address critical issues like forest management, carbon estimation, and ecological sustainability.

Research Projects

Dr. Zhao’s ongoing projects, such as optimizing forest and grass vegetation, estimating carbon sink potential, and developing sustainable management systems, are vital to addressing global environmental challenges. These projects, funded by national and international organizations, showcase his leadership and expertise in forestry research.

Research Papers

Dr. Zhao’s publication record is extensive, with numerous articles in high-impact journals like Land, Scientific Reports, and Forests. His research covers a wide range of topics, including the relationship between urbanization and forest ecological function, the effects of topographic heterogeneity on species distribution, and the socioeconomic impacts of forestry on poverty alleviation. Each of these works provides significant insights into the complex interactions between human activities and forest ecosystems.

Academic Influence

Dr. Zhao’s contributions have been recognized with multiple awards, including the First Prize for Progress in Geographic Information Technology and several Excellent Paper Awards. His role as an editorial board member for several prestigious journals and his participation in numerous academic societies further underscore his influence in the field.


Dr. Xiaodi Zhao’s innovative research, extensive publication record, and numerous accolades make him a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award. His work not only advances scientific understanding but also provides practical solutions for environmental sustainability, making him a valuable asset to the global research community.

Research focus

Xiaodi Zhao’s research primarily focuses on the impact of human activities and climatic factors on vegetation and ecological functions within arid and semi-arid regions, particularly in the Yellow River Basin and deserts like Ulan Buh. Zhao’s studies analyze the spatial and temporal dynamics of vegetation cover, forest functions, and the suitability of forest-shrub-grass landscapes, emphasizing the interconnections between economic activities, land use, and ecological changes. The work aims to inform sustainable land management and environmental conservation efforts in these sensitive ecosystems. 🌿📊🏜️

Publication top notes

Spatial distribution patterns and changes of Haloxylon ammodendron and Artemisia desertorum population in Ulan Buh Desert

Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Economic Density and Vegetation Cover in the Yellow River Basin: Unraveling Interconnections

Spatial-Temporal Variations of Human Impact on Forest Ecological Functions in the Yellow River Basin from 2004 to 2018

Effects of Human Social-Economic Activities on Vegetation Suitability in the Yellow River Basin, China

Has the Development of the Non-Timber Forest Products Industry Achieved Poverty Alleviation? Evidence from Lower-Income Forest Areas in Yunnan Province

Influences of Climatic Factors and Human Activities on Forest–Shrub–Grass Suitability in the Yellow River Basin, China

Forbi Preasious Funwi | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Forbi Preasious Funwi | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Mr Forbi Preasious Funwi, Millennium Ecologicam Museum, Cameroon

Forbi Preasious Funwi is a dedicated Cameroonian environmentalist 🌿 with expertise in botany, ecology, and project management. He holds an MSc. in Plant Ecology and a BSc. in Plant Biology from the University of Yaoundé I. With a passion for conservation and sustainability, Forbi has contributed significantly to projects focusing on biodiversity assessment, climate adaptation, and community development. He is adept at project writing and monitoring, evidenced by his involvement in various initiatives, including those funded by the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environment Facility. Forbi is known for his excellent teamwork 🌍 spirit and innovative approach to environmental challenges.

Publication profile

google scholar


In 2010, earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Plant Biology from the University of Yaoundé I 🎓. This foundational education ignited my passion for understanding the intricate world of plant life. Building upon this knowledge, I pursued a Master of Science degree in Plant Ecology at the same institution, completing it in 2015 🌿. This advanced degree equipped me with the expertise to delve deeper into the relationships between plants and their environments. Both academic milestones have shaped my journey, fueling my commitment to contribute meaningfully to the field of ecology and botanical sciences.


In my journey spanning from 2013 to 2023, I’ve been deeply immersed in various environmental and conservation endeavors across Cameroon. From conducting assessments for hydropower projects to biodiversity surveys in diverse regions, every experience has shaped my understanding and commitment to sustainable practices. Whether it’s collaborating with international organizations like FAO and GIZ or contributing to local initiatives, each project has been a step towards safeguarding Cameroon’s natural heritage 🌿. As I look back on my journey, I’m filled with gratitude for the opportunities to make a difference in environmental conservation 🙏.

Research focus

The research focus of FP Funwi spans across several critical areas of environmental and agricultural studies in Cameroon. With a diverse portfolio ranging from carbon storage potential in agroforestry systems to the management of medicinal plants amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Funwi’s work demonstrates a keen interest in biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management, and community resilience in the face of environmental challenges. 🌱 Their studies delve into the intricate relationships between human activities, ecosystems, and climate change impacts, providing valuable insights for conservation efforts and the sustainable use of natural resources in Cameroon and beyond.

Publication top notes

Carbon storage potential of cacao agroforestry systems of different age and management intensity

A review of Cameroonian medicinal plants with potentials for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic

Land use and land cover changes in Doume Communal Forest in eastern Cameroon: implications for conservation and sustainable management

Using transect sampling to determine the distribution of some key non-timber forest products across habitat types near Boumba-Bek National Park, South-east Cameroon

Climate change perception and local adaptation of natural resource management in a farming community of Cameroon: A case study

Biodiversity and carbon stock in the SODECAO agroforestry system of center region of Cameroon: Case of talba locality

Diversity, structure and carbon storage potential of the Dja Wildlife Reserve vegetation cover

Indigenous and local knowledgeas a tool for wildlife conservation in the Dja biosphere reserve, cameroon

Community of vascular epiphytes on some phorophytes in the Babadjou Subdivision (Western Cameroon): Case of Bamelo

Family Farming Systems in Northern Central Cameroon: Challenges and Prospects for Food Security

Exploring farmers’ vulnerability and agrobiodiversity in perspective of adaptation in Southern Cameroon

Assessing plant diversity change in logged and unlogged dense semi-deciduous production forest of eastern Cameroon

Mapping carbon stocks in the Dimako communal forest, East-Cameroon

Enhanced local governance as response to threats on vulnerable non-timber forest product species: Case of Garcinia kola Heckel in East Cameroon

Ethnobotanical study and vulnerability of medicinal plants used against the symptoms of COVID-19 in the Lomié subdivision, East Region of Cameroon

Farm typology and structure of farmer decision making: The case of the production basin of the forest-savannah transition zone, Centre Cameroon Region

Plant diversity of oil palm plantations of different ages and under different farming practices in the Ngoas locality Yaounde-Cameroon

Navigating Climate Challenges: Insights from Smallholder of Mbangassina’s Local Communities in the Centre Cameroon Region

Availability, Natural Regeneration Potential and Ethnoecological Knowledge of Garcinia Kola: Perspectives for Conservation and Sustainable Resource Use in Belabo, Eastern Cameroon

Assessing Plant Diversity Change in Logged and Unlogged Dense Semi-Deciduous Production Forest of Eastern Cameroon