Dr . Amlan K Pal | Sensing, Photoredox catalysis | Best Researcher Award Indian Institute of Technology Jammu, India Author Profile Scopus Profile Google Scholar Researchgate Profile Linkedin Profile Early
Ms. Divya Gupta | Oncofertility | Best Researcher Award Jiwaji University, Gwalior India Author Profile Orcid Profile Scopus Profile Researchgate Profile Linkedin Profile Early Academic Pursuits: Divya Gupta began her
Mrs. Futtaim Alhanzal | Hypothesis Fundamentals | Best Researcher Award Damascus university-Syrian Arab Republic Author Profile Orcid Profile Scopus Profile Researchgate Profile Google Scholar Profile Early Academic Pursuits: Futtaim Al-Hanzal
Mr. Hamza Ashraf | Cardiology | Best Researcher Award Allama iqbal medical college , Pakistan Author Profile Scopus Profile Orcid Profile Early Academic Pursuits Dr. Hamza Ashraf commenced his educational
Dr. Trolard Fabienne | mineralogy | Best Researcher Award INRAE , France Author Profile Scopus Profile Google Scholar Researchgate Profile Early Academic Pursuits Born on March 15, 1957, in Mulhouse
Prof Dr. Yvonne Kuipers | Maternity services/ healthcare | Best Researcher Award Edinburgh Napier University , United Kingdom Author Profile Scopus Profile orcid Profile Researchgate Profile Linkedin Profile Early Academic Pursuits:
Mrs. Patricia Patricio | Material Science and Engineering | Women Researcher Award Centro Federal de Educação Tecnologica de Minas Gerais , Brazil Author Profile  Orcid Profile Early Academic Pursuits: She
Assoc Prof Dr. Ana Alina Tudoran | machine learning | Best Researcher Award | Aarhus University , Denmark Author Profile Scopus Profile Early Academic Pursuits: Dr. Ana Alina Tudoran began
Assoc Prof Dr. Rania Saadeh | Applied math | Women Researcher Award Zarqa University , Jordan Author Profile Scopus Profile Orcid Profile Early Academic Pursuits: Dr. Rania Z. Saadeh began
Dr. Deepa Simon | chemistry | Excellence in Research Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies , India Author Profile Scopus Profile Early Academic Pursuits: Dr. Deepa Simon laid

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