Zsuzsanna Izsvak | Biology and Life Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Zsuzsanna Izsvak | Biology and Life Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr Zsuzsanna Izsvak, Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine, Germany

Dr. Zsuzsanna Izsvák is a distinguished geneticist and the Permanent Group Leader of Mobile DNA at Max-Delbrück-Center in Berlin, Germany. Renowned for her pioneering work on the Sleeping Beauty transposon system 🧬, she has revolutionized gene therapy and genome engineering. With over 17,000 citations and an H-index of 67 📚, her research spans transposon-based genome manipulations, stem cell technology, and translational applications in cancer and gene therapy. Awarded the European Young Investigator Award, ERC Advanced Grants, and nominated for a Nobel Prize 🏆, Dr. Izsvák’s innovative contributions have had a profound impact on modern genetics.

Publiucation profile

google scholar


In 1994, He earned my Ph.D. in Biology from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. My post-doctoral journey included prestigious institutions such as the University of Minnesota and the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam, NL. From 1991 to 1997, he served at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and from 1997 to 1999, He continued my research at the Medical University of Debrecen in Hungary. In 2011, He was recognized as an EMBO fellow and awarded a DSc. My academic focus has spanned Genetics, Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics, and Human Genetics, culminating in my current role as a Professor 👩‍🔬📚🔬.


Dr Zsuzsanna Izsvak, a distinguished scientist in molecular biology, has garnered numerous accolades throughout a prolific career. Notable milestones include receiving the Excellence Award from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1990 🏆, an EMBO long-term postdoctoral fellowship in 1996 🌍, and the prestigious EURYI European Young Investigator Award in 2004 🌟. Their groundbreaking work on SB100X earned them international acclaim, including the SB100X Molecule of the Year in 2009 and recognition from the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy. Nominated for a Nobel Prize in 2011, Dr.  Zsuzsanna Izsvak continues to shape research, notably with ERC Advanced grants and leadership roles in scientific committees. Elected as a foreign member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2019, they now serve as President of the Dennis Gabor Gesellschaft since 2023 🌐.

Research focus

Based on their research focus, the authors primarily delve into the molecular characteristics, evolution, and applications of transposable elements (TEs), particularly the Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon. Their work spans from fundamental studies elucidating the structural and functional domains of TEs to pioneering applications in genetic manipulation across vertebrate species, including humans. They explore how TEs like SB can be harnessed as genetic tools for stable gene transfer and long-term transgene expression, highlighting their potential in molecular therapy and genome engineering. This research is crucial for understanding TE biology and exploiting their utility in biotechnological and biomedical contexts. 🧬🔬

Publication top notes

Molecular reconstruction of Sleeping Beauty, a Tc1-like transposon from fish, and its transposition in human cells

Ten things you should know about transposable elements

Molecular evolution of a novel hyperactive Sleeping Beauty transposase enables robust stable gene transfer in vertebrates

Somatic integration and long-term transgene expression in normal and haemophilic mice using a DNA transposon system

Resident aliens: the Tc1/mariner superfamily of transposable elements

Sleeping Beauty, a wide host-range transposon vector for genetic transformation in vertebrates

Primate-specific endogenous retrovirus-driven transcription defines naive-like stem cells

Gibbon genome and the fast karyotype evolution of small apes

Transposon-mediated genome manipulation in vertebrates

Progress and prospects in rat genetics: a community view


Exceptional Research Distinction Award

Exceptional Research Distinction Award


Welcome to the pinnacle of research excellence - the Exceptional Research Distinction Award celebrates the groundbreaking contributions of researchers who have reshaped the boundaries of knowledge. This prestigious accolade honors individuals whose work embodies innovation, integrity, and impact.

About the Award:

The Exceptional Research Distinction Award recognizes outstanding researchers across diverse fields who have demonstrated exceptional achievements and significant contributions to their respective disciplines.


  • Age Limits: None; open to researchers of all ages.
  • Qualification: Open to individuals with a proven track record of outstanding research contributions.
  • Publications: Candidates must have a substantial body of high-quality publications.
  • Requirements: Nominees must meet specific criteria outlined by the award committee.

Evaluation Criteria:

Candidates are evaluated based on the originality, significance, and impact of their research contributions. Factors such as innovation, methodological rigor, and societal relevance are also considered.

Submission Guidelines:

Nomination packages must include a biography, abstract, supporting files, and any relevant documentation showcasing the nominee's research accomplishments. Submissions should adhere to the specified format and guidelines provided by the award committee.


Recipients of the Exceptional Research Distinction Award receive prestigious recognition for their achievements, including media coverage, networking opportunities, and a ceremonial presentation of the award.

Community Impact:

Winners of the award serve as role models and inspirations within the research community, fostering collaboration, mentorship, and knowledge exchange.

Excellence in Research Award

Excellence in Research Award


Welcome to the Excellence in Research Award, celebrating outstanding contributions in the realm of academic inquiry and discovery. This prestigious accolade recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and impact in their respective fields of research.

Award Overview:

The Excellence in Research Award honors individuals across various disciplines for their exemplary achievements in advancing knowledge, fostering innovation, and making significant contributions to their fields through groundbreaking research endeavors.


  • Open to researchers of all ages and backgrounds
  • No age limits apply
  • Qualification: Demonstrated excellence in research
  • Publications: Significant contributions to scholarly literature
  • Recurrements: Continuous commitment to advancing knowledge and innovation

Evaluation Criteria:

Candidates will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Quality and significance of research contributions
  2. Innovation and creativity in research methodology
  3. Impact and influence on the field
  4. Consistency and sustainability of research efforts

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submit a comprehensive biography highlighting research achievements
  • Include an abstract summarizing key contributions
  • Provide supporting files such as publications, patents, or technical reports


Recipients of the Excellence in Research Award will receive:

  • A prestigious award certificate
  • Recognition at a formal ceremony or conference
  • Publicity through various media channels

Community Impact:

Winners of the award are expected to serve as role models and mentors within their research communities, inspiring future generations of scholars and fostering a culture of excellence and innovation.


A detailed biography outlining the candidate's academic background, research interests, notable achievements, and contributions to the field is required.

Abstract and Supporting Files:

Candidates must submit an abstract summarizing their research accomplishments along with supporting files such as publications, patents, or technical reports to substantiate their contributions.