Kyeong-Man Kim | Biology and Life Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Kyeong-Man Kim | Biology and Life Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Dr Kyeong-Man Kim, Chonnam National University, South Korea

Evaluation of Dr. Kyeong-Man Kim for the Best Researcher Award.

Publication profile


Dr. Kyeong-Man Kim’s long and distinguished career in pharmacology makes him a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award. With over three decades of experience as a Professor at the College of Pharmacy, Chonnam National University, Dr. Kim has made significant contributions to the field of pharmacology, particularly in the study of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).

Academic and Research Background

Dr. Kim holds a Ph.D. in Pharmacology from the University of Illinois at Chicago and has completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Duke University Medical Center. His extensive education and training in pharmacology have laid the foundation for his impactful research in GPCR signaling and regulation, transactivation between membrane receptors, and the development of selective ligands and inhibitors for GPCRs and transporters.

Significant Research Contributions

Dr. Kim has made notable contributions to the understanding of GPCR mechanisms. His research has explored novel mechanisms such as the sequestration of Gβγ by deubiquitinated arrestins into the nucleus as a desensitization mechanism of GPCRs and the role of GRK2-mediated receptor phosphorylation in GPCR endocytosis. His work on the interaction between the transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channel and the dopamine transporter in modulating methamphetamine abuse-related mechanisms has been published in prestigious journals like the British Journal of Pharmacology and Life Science Alliance.


Given Dr. Kyeong-Man Kim’s significant and ongoing contributions to pharmacology, particularly his groundbreaking research on GPCRs and their signaling pathways, he is highly deserving of consideration for the Best Researcher Award. His work has advanced our understanding of cellular signaling mechanisms and has the potential to lead to new therapeutic approaches for various conditions.

publication top notes

Transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channel modulates the abuse‐related mechanisms of methamphetamine through interaction with dopamine transporter

PKCβII activation requires nuclear trafficking for phosphorylation and Mdm2-mediated ubiquitination

Sequestration of Gβγ by deubiquitinated arrestins into the nucleus as a novel desensitization mechanism of G protein–coupled receptors

β‐Arrestin1 and GPCR kinase2 play permissive roles in Src‐mediated endocytosis of α4β2 nicotinic ACh receptors

GRK2-mediated receptor phosphorylation and Mdm2-mediated β-arrestin2 ubiquitination drive clathrin-mediated endocytosis of G protein-coupled receptors

Cytoplasmic recruitment of Mdm2 as a common characteristic of G protein-coupled receptors that undergo desensitization

A novel molecular mechanism involved in the crosstalks between homologous and PKC-mediated heterologous regulatory pathway of dopamine D2 receptor

Edit Kovari | Quantitative Hypotheses | Best Researcher Award

Edit Kovari | Quantitative Hypotheses | Best Researcher Award

Dr Edit Kovari, University of Pannonia, Hungary

Based on the detailed information provided, Dr. Edit Kővári appears highly suitable for the Best Researcher Award.

Publication profile

google scholar

Extensive Research and Innovation

Dr. Kővári has demonstrated significant research impact through her work on emotional intelligence, communication, FOMO, green attitude, and ecopsychology. Her recent research focuses on cultural attitudes, emotional intelligence, and the local attachment of university communities. Her involvement in high-impact projects such as the Greencool Erasmus+ project and the TINLAB Social Innovation Laboratory highlights her leadership and innovation in research.

Notable Achievements and Awards

She has received multiple awards, including the Attila Sebestyén Memorial Medal for her teaching and learning activities and recognition from the Veszprém European Capital of Culture 2023 campaign. Her role as the Hungarian coordinator of the International Emotional Intelligence Organisation and the development of the Well-being program at Pannon University of Pannonia further underscore her exceptional contributions.

Strong Academic and Professional Background

Dr. Kővári holds a Ph.D. from the University of Derby and has led various national and international research groups. Her publications in reputable journals, such as the European Management Journal and the Journal of Family Business Management, demonstrate her research excellence. Her H-index, citations, and impactful conference presentations add to her credentials.

Active Involvement in Professional Societies

Her active participation in numerous professional societies and academic service roles, such as the General Secretary of the University Network of European Capitals of Culture, reflects her commitment to advancing research and education.

Research Publications and Impact

Dr. Kővári has contributed significantly to research with publications examining social media strategies, online branding, emotional intelligence, and cultural consumption. The cumulative impact factor of her recent publications and the number of collaborative projects further validate her research prowess.


Dr. Edit Kővári’s comprehensive research portfolio, leadership in high-impact projects, notable awards, and active involvement in academic and professional communities position her as a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award. Her contributions to emotional intelligence, green attitudes, and cultural studies showcase her excellence in research and innovation.

Research focus

The research focus of E. Kővári centers on the intersection of emotional intelligence, social media, and business performance. Their work examines how emotional intelligence influences management practices and knowledge sharing, particularly within procurement and organizational contexts. Kővári also explores the role of social media in shaping consumer behavior and online branding strategies for family businesses, with a focus on the wine industry and SME wineries. Their studies include analyses of online social presence and digital competencies among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. 📊💡🍷📱

Publication top notes

How social media practices shape family business performance: the wine industry case study

Online branding strategies of family SME wineries: a Hungarian-German comparative study

University students’ online social presence and digital competencies in the COVID-19 virus situation

Emotional intelligence in procurement management

A Pannon Egyetem közösségének kultúrafogyasztása, az érzelmi és kulturális intelligencia összefüggése. Veszprém 2023 Európa Kulturális Fővárosa

Learning to learn: Beyond 2020

Don’t Worry, be Emotionally Intelligent: Hotel Functional Managers’ Trait Emotional Intelligence and its Relation to Task and Contextual Performance within Organisational …

Knowledge sharing relation to competence, emotional intelligence, and social media regarding generations

The impact of emotional intelligence on knowledge sharing behaviour

Közösségi média jelentősége a borfogyasztók körében

Junir Antônio Lutinski | Ecology and Conservation | Environmental Impact Award

Junir Antônio Lutinski | Ecology and Conservation | Environmental Impact Award

Dr Junir Antônio Lutinski, Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó, Brazil

Based on Dr. Junir Antônio Lutinski’s extensive academic and professional background, he appears to be a strong candidate for the Research for Environmental Impact Award.

Publication profile

google scholar

Specialization in Biodiversity and Ecology

His Ph.D. focused on urban ant communities, which aligns well with environmental impact research, particularly in understanding how urbanization affects biodiversity. His master’s thesis on ants as bioindicators of environmental quality also emphasizes his commitment to using ecological indicators for assessing environmental health.

Research Contributions

Dr. Lutinski’s research spans several areas within environmental science and ecology, including the analysis of urban ecosystems, conservation, and the impact of environmental changes on biodiversity. His work on ant communities in urban areas and their role as bioindicators demonstrates his focus on practical environmental impacts.

Diverse Academic Background

His qualifications include a range of specializations related to environmental science, including environmental diagnostics, management, and alternative energies. This broad expertise supports his capability to address various aspects of environmental impact.

Professional Experience

His roles as a professor and researcher at multiple institutions, including his recent postdoctoral work, show his ongoing engagement with current environmental issues and solutions. His work in both academic and public sectors adds to his suitability for the award.

Publication top notes

Análise faunística de Formicidae (Hymenoptera: Apocrita) em ecossistema degradado no município de Chapecó, Santa Catarina

Spatial and temporal distribution of dengue in Brazil, 1990-2017

Quality of life in the elderly with and without chronic pain

Association of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with bacteria in hospitals in the State of Santa Catarina

Dor lombar, flexibilidade muscular e relação com o nível de atividade física de trabalhadores rurais

Características da epidemia de dengue em Pinhalzinho, Santa Catarina, 2015-2016

Diversidade de formigas urbanas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) de dez cidades do sul do Brasil

Diversidade de formigas na Floresta Nacional de Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Estrutura da comunidade de formigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em quatro ambientes com diferentes níveis de perturbação antrópica

Infestação pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) na cidade de Chapecó–SC

Tamara Erceg | Chemistry and Materials Science | Hypothesis Achievement Award

Tamara Erceg | Chemistry and Materials Science | Hypothesis Achievement Award

Dr Tamara Erceg, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Serbia

Based on Dr. Tamara Erceg’s extensive experience, achievements, and contributions to the field of polymer science, particularly in green chemistry and biodegradable materials, she appears to be a suitable candidate for the Hypothesis Achievement Award. Here are the key points supporting her candidacy.

Publication profile


  • Academic Excellence: Dr. Erceg completed her Ph.D. in Polymer Science with the highest average note of 10.00. Her research focuses on the structuring of polymer networks, highlighting her expertise and innovation in the field.
  • Professional Experience: She has been involved in educational and pedagogical work at the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad since 2016, and has been a research associate there, demonstrating her commitment to advancing science and education.
  • Research Contributions: Dr. Erceg has numerous publications in high-impact journals (Q1) covering a wide range of topics, including biodegradable packaging, polymer nanocomposites, and sustainable materials. Her work on active coatings for food packaging and the development of biodegradable cellulose acetate-based films showcases her dedication to solving real-world problems through scientific research.
  • Leadership and Collaboration: She has held significant roles in various projects, including being a project manager for international collaborations and projects funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Her involvement in multidisciplinary projects and international conferences highlights her leadership and collaborative skills.
  • Impact and Innovation: Dr. Erceg’s work on biodegradable materials and green chemistry principles aligns with current global priorities on sustainability and environmental protection. Her contributions to the development of eco-friendly packaging solutions and her research on the optimization of biodegradable bags underscore her innovative approach to addressing pressing environmental issues.
  • Research focus

  • Tamara Erceg’s research focuses on the development and characterization of sustainable, eco-friendly materials and active packaging solutions. Her work includes studies on pullulan-based edible coatings to extend cheese shelf life, antioxidant recovery using cloud point extraction, hydrogels, and biodegradable cellulose acetate films. She explores the incorporation of essential oils for antimicrobial packaging and analyzes the thermal stability of bio-based urea-formaldehyde resins. Erceg’s contributions aim to improve food preservation, enhance material properties, and reduce environmental impact through innovative biopolymer applications. 🌿🧀🛡️📦🔬
  • Publication top notes

  • Comparison of the Properties of Pullulan-Based Active Edible Coatings Implemented for Improving Sliced Cheese Shelf Life

  • Updating the Status quo on the Eco-Friendly Approach for Antioxidants Recovered from Plant Matrices Using Cloud Point Extraction

  • Architecture of Hydrogels

  • Hydrolytic and thermal stability of urea-formaldehyde resins based on tannin and betaine bio-fillers

Tito Vagni | Social Sciences | Social Sciences Excellence Award

Tito Vagni | Social Sciences | Social Sciences Excellence Award

Prof Tito Vagni, Universitas Mercatorum, Italy

Prof Tito Vagni ha una laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione dall’Università La Sapienza di Roma e due dottorati, uno in Sociologia alla Sorbonne e uno in Comunicazione e Nuove Tecnologie allo IULM. Attualmente insegna Sociologia dei Media presso Universitas Mercatorum, Università di Macerata e Università della Tuscia. Ha ottenuto l’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale come Professore di Seconda Fascia. È stato consulente della Commissione Segre e ha insegnato in prestigiose università internazionali. I suoi interessi di ricerca includono media, discorsi d’odio digitali, estetica e gastronomia. Dirige la collana editoriale “Culturologica” e collabora con diverse pubblicazioni. 📚🎓🌍

Publication profile

google scholar


Nel 2022, ha ottenuto l’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) per le funzioni di professore universitario di Seconda Fascia, valida dal 3 ottobre 2022 al 3 ottobre 2032. Questo riconoscimento è stato conseguito nel Settore Concorsuale 14/C2, che riguarda la Sociologia dei Processi Culturali e Comunicativi. 🎓📚 Questo prestigioso titolo riflette la competenza e la preparazione nel campo della sociologia, specialmente in ambiti legati alla cultura e alla comunicazione, e rappresenta un’importante tappa nella carriera accademica. 🌟

Research focus

Tomas Vagni’s research focuses on the interplay between media, communication, and culture, with a particular emphasis on how digital platforms and media influence social practices and perceptions. His work explores the theoretical and practical dimensions of media consumption, political branding, and the representation of food in media. Vagni’s studies often investigate the implications of media on public imagination and consumption patterns, particularly within the contexts of reality TV, digital activism, and cultural policies. His research includes topics such as “lo-fi politics,” digital influence, and the aesthetics of media representation. 📺🌐🍽️

Publication top notes

Abitare la tv. Teorie, immaginari, reality show

Lo-fi politics. Il brand del politico e lo stile amatoriale in «bassa fedeltà»

L’influenza digitale

Food (is not) porn. Le immagini del cibo e l’orizzonte della scomparsa

La teoria dei media e l’immaginario. Uno studio a partire da Edgar Morin

EXPO 2015: la decrescita da utopia a stile di vita

Servizio pubblico televisivo e politiche culturali della disabilità: modelli di un immaginario consolatorio

Dall’esposizione all’algoritmo. Forme di organizzazione del consumo nelle piattaforme digitali

Comunicazione come consumo. Teorie, modelli e pratiche nello studio dei media


Cristina Marcu | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Cristina Marcu | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr Cristina Marcu, National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Romania

Cristina Marcu, a dedicated chemist 🧪, specializes in adsorption studies using anion exchange resins. Her research, conducted at PIM Cluj-Napoca 🏛️, Romania, focuses on kinetics and thermodynamics of U(VI), Fe(III), and Cr(VI) adsorption. She has contributed significantly to understanding chemical exchange reactions and catalytic processes, presenting her findings at national and international conferences 🌍. Marcu’s work underscores her expertise in environmental chemistry and sustainable technologies, notably in uranium isotope enrichment and pollutant removal from aqueous solutions. Her collaborations with Damian Axente and Ancuţa Balla highlight her impactful contributions to the field. 📊

Publication profile


Research focus

Based on the published papers, Cristina Marcu’s research focus revolves around environmental chemistry and chemical engineering, with a specialization in adsorption processes and oxidation reactions. Her work includes investigating adsorption isotherms and kinetics for various contaminants like chromium (VI) and uranium (VI), using materials such as anion exchange resins and Dowex-Marathon resin. Additionally, she explores the catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide and processes related to isotope production and nitrogen separation. 🌿🔬 Her studies contribute to environmental management and industrial processes involving chemical reactions and materials science.

Publication top notes

Compensation Effect in Catalytic Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide


Adsorption Isotherms and Thermodynamics for Chromium (VI) Using an Anion Exchange Resin

Adsorption Kinetics of Chromium (VI) from Aqueous Solution Using an Anion Exchange Resin

Determination of nitrogen losses in the sulfuric acid solution, waste of the 15N separation plant

The production of the isotope 15N by isotopic exchange in nitrox system at pressure

The calculus of the operation parameters at pressure of the primary separation column of the 15n production plant

The energy consumptions for thermo-catalytic conversion of sulphuric acid into sulfphur dioxide for its recycling in the 15N production plant

Study of Fe(III) adsorption onto Dowex-Marathon resin, as a rate determining step of the U(IV) oxidation in 235U enrichment column

Kinetic and thermodynamic studies of U(VI) adsorption using Dowex-Marathon resin

Fentahun Admassu Yayeh | Social Impact of Scientific Discoveries | Best Researcher Award

Fentahun Admassu Yayeh | Social Impact of Scientific Discoveries | Best Researcher Award

Mr Fentahun Admassu Yayeh, Amhara Management Institute, Ethiopia

Fentahun Admassu Yayeh 🎓 is a seasoned professional dedicated to community-based development, aiming to enhance food security and livelihoods for vulnerable populations. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Bahir Dar University (2007), a Master’s in Development Economics from Civil Service University (2013), and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Political Economy and Governance at Amhara Leadership Academy. His extensive experience includes leadership roles at the Regional Cooperatives Promotion Agency, focusing on financial cooperatives development and rural financial intermediation. Proficient in advanced Microsoft applications and statistical software, Fentahun is also a published researcher in social capital and economic development. 📚💼

Publication profile



He earned my Bachelor’s degree in Economics in 2007 from Bahir Dar University in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia 🎓. In 2013, I pursued a Master’s degree in Development Economics at Civil Service University in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 🎓. Currently, He a Ph.D. student in Political Economy and Governance at Amhara Leadership Academy in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia 🎓. He academic journey reflects my dedication to understanding and influencing economic and political structures in my country 🌍.

Work Experience

From January 9, 2017, to February 24, 2020, I served as the Financial Cooperatives Development Directorate Director at the Regional Cooperatives Promotion Agency. My role involved providing strategic direction and technical oversight, assessing cooperatives’ needs, and developing a monitoring and evaluation framework 📊. I also prepared business plans, annual work, and budgets, and disbursed budgets to zones and woredas. Previously, from May 25, 2014, to January 8, 2017, I coordinated the Rural Financial Intermediation Programme 🌱, establishing international partnerships, implementing MIS, and liaising with various organizations. My earlier roles included cooperatives promotion expert and RUFIP Monitoring and Evaluation Expert 📈.

Research Experience

Fentahun Admassu Yayeh and Wondaferahu Mulugeta Demissie (2024) examine the crucial role of social capital in poverty reduction in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia in their study published in the African Journal of Commercial Studies. They argue that strengthening community networks and mutual trust can significantly alleviate poverty. In another paper, Yayeh and Mulugeta, along with Wuhibegezer Ferede (2024), explore the complex relationship between social capital and economic development in Ethiopia, as detailed in the Forum for Social Economics. They discuss how social ties can influence economic growth. Furthermore, Yayeh and Mulugeta (2024) analyze the economic performance of financial cooperatives in the Amhara Region through the lens of social capital in Technium EconomiA. In an earlier work, Yayeh (2021) discusses the effectiveness of focus group discussions as a data collection method in economics in the Daagu International Journal of Basic & Applied Research. Finally, Yayeh addresses the significant impacts of COVID-19 on Ethiopia’s manufacturing and service sectors in a 2020 report, highlighting the pandemic’s disruptions and challenges. 📉🏭🌐

Professional Certification 🏅

Fentahun holds several professional certifications, including strategic leadership, corporate governance, and rural financial cooperatives. His training as a master facilitator and a trainer of trainers underscores his commitment to capacity development and knowledge dissemination.

Research focus

Fentahun Admassu Yayeh’s research primarily focuses on economic development, social capital, and the impacts of socio-economic factors in Ethiopia. His studies include the relationship between social capital and economic performance, particularly in financial cooperatives in the Amhara region 🌍, the broader economic development dynamics in Ethiopia 💹, the effects of COVID-19 on various sectors of the Ethiopian economy 🦠📉, and the influence of religion on household saving behavior 💰🙏. Additionally, he explores methodologies in economic data collection, such as focus group discussions 🗣️📊. His work often intersects economics, social science, and development studies.

Publication top notes

Social Capital and Economic Performance of Financial Cooperatives: Evidence from the Amhara Region

Debating the Relationship Between Social Capital and Economic Development in Ethiopia

Focus Group Discussion as a data collection tool in Economics

The Impact of Religion on Household Saving Behavior


Mediatrice NIYONSABA | Qualitative Hypotheses | Best Paper Award

Mediatrice NIYONSABA | Qualitative Hypotheses | Best Paper Award

Mrs Mediatrice NIYONSABA, Rwanda Biomedical center, Rwanda

Mediatrice Niyonsaba is a dedicated health professional and researcher. Currently a second-year Master’s student in Epidemiology at the University of Rwanda, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Anesthesia from the same institution. Since 2012, she has served as an anesthesia clinical officer at RBC/SAMU 🚑. Her research includes co-authoring a study on motorcycle crash epidemiology in Kigali and assisting in several projects, including those on anemia in trauma, substance abuse screening, and the impact of COVID-19 on CNS injuries. She is the lead author of a study on mHealth tools in prehospital care, published in the African Journal of Emergency Medicine 📚.

Publication profile



Since November 2021, she have been pursuing a Master of Science in Epidemiology at the University of Rwanda’s College of Medicine and Health Sciences 📚. I previously earned a Bachelor’s degree in Anesthesia from the same university (2015-2017) 🎓. My professional journey includes working as an anesthesia clinical officer at RBC/SAMU (Service d’Aide Medicale d’Urgence) since November 2012 🏥. Before that, I taught Biology at SAKE Secondary School from January to November 2009 👩‍🏫.


Since January 2019, I’ve been part of the SAMU team collaborating with Utah University to develop and pilot test a mobile health communication tool (912 m Health tool) aimed at enhancing emergency medical services 🚑. I co-authored “Epidemiology and prehospital care of motorcycle crashes in Kigali, Rwanda,” published in November 2019 🏍️. From January to April 2020, I was a research assistant for the Kigali Anemia in Trauma and Transfusion Study at CHUK 🏥. Between August 2020 and September 2021, I assisted in adapting screening instruments for detecting alcohol and drug abuse in Rwanda using ACASI 🍷💊. In late 2021, I contributed to research on the impact of COVID-19 on CNS injury treatment and outcomes 🧠. Recently, I authored “Challenges and opportunities to improve efficiency and quality of prehospital emergency care using an m Health platform,” published in the African Journal of Emergency Medicine in September 2023 📚.

Research focus

Dr. Sharmistha Jayaraman’s research focuses primarily on improving prehospital emergency care and trauma management in low-resource settings, particularly in Rwanda. Her studies encompass various aspects of emergency medical services (EMS), including challenges in locating emergency scenes 🚑, enhancing efficiency through m Health platforms 📱, neurotrauma management 🧠, and the epidemiology of trauma, such as motorcycle crashes 🏍️. Additionally, Dr. Jayaraman investigates the initial management of traumatic brain injuries and factors influencing HIV testing among emergency patients. Her work aims to improve healthcare outcomes by addressing critical gaps in prehospital care and emergency response systems in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Publication top notes

Challenges Locating the Scene of Emergency: A Qualitative Study of the EMS System in Rwanda

Challenges and opportunities to improve efficiency and quality of prehospital emergency care using an mHealth platform: Qualitative study in Rwanda

Trends in Neurotrauma Epidemiology, Management, and Outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kigali, Rwanda

Factors associated with HIV testing among patients seeking emergent injury care in Kigali, Rwanda

The Initial Prehospital Management of Traumatic Brain Injuries in Kigali, Rwanda

The epidemiology and prehospital care of motorcycle crashes in a sub-Saharan African urban center

Data-driven prehospital training to decrease motorcycle crash deaths in a Sub-Saharan African urban center


Excellence in Research Award

Excellence in Research Award


Welcome to the Excellence in Research Award, celebrating outstanding contributions in the realm of academic inquiry and discovery. This prestigious accolade recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and impact in their respective fields of research.

Award Overview:

The Excellence in Research Award honors individuals across various disciplines for their exemplary achievements in advancing knowledge, fostering innovation, and making significant contributions to their fields through groundbreaking research endeavors.


  • Open to researchers of all ages and backgrounds
  • No age limits apply
  • Qualification: Demonstrated excellence in research
  • Publications: Significant contributions to scholarly literature
  • Recurrements: Continuous commitment to advancing knowledge and innovation

Evaluation Criteria:

Candidates will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Quality and significance of research contributions
  2. Innovation and creativity in research methodology
  3. Impact and influence on the field
  4. Consistency and sustainability of research efforts

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submit a comprehensive biography highlighting research achievements
  • Include an abstract summarizing key contributions
  • Provide supporting files such as publications, patents, or technical reports


Recipients of the Excellence in Research Award will receive:

  • A prestigious award certificate
  • Recognition at a formal ceremony or conference
  • Publicity through various media channels

Community Impact:

Winners of the award are expected to serve as role models and mentors within their research communities, inspiring future generations of scholars and fostering a culture of excellence and innovation.


A detailed biography outlining the candidate's academic background, research interests, notable achievements, and contributions to the field is required.

Abstract and Supporting Files:

Candidates must submit an abstract summarizing their research accomplishments along with supporting files such as publications, patents, or technical reports to substantiate their contributions.