Maite Cancelo Márquez | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Maite Cancelo Márquez | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr Maite Cancelo Márquez, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Based on the extensive qualifications and achievements of Prof. Dr. Maite Cancelo Márquez, she appears to be a strong candidate for the “Best Researcher Award.”

Publication profile

google scholar

Academic Background and Leadership

Prof. Dr. Cancelo Márquez holds both a degree and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Santiago de Compostela, where she is also a full professor. Her leadership roles include serving as the Director of the Center for Cooperative Studies of Galicia, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, and Vice President of the Spanish Conference of Deans of Economics and Business (CONFEDE).

Research and Publications

Prof. Dr. Cancelo Márquez has co-authored numerous books, chapters, and articles in highly specialized journals. Her research covers critical areas such as industrial competitiveness, economic growth, sustainable development, and social economy. Her publications are well-cited, with notable works in journals like Sustainability and Applied Econometrics and International Development.

Conference Participation and Contributions

She has played an active role in the academic community, participating as a speaker at many national and international conferences. Moreover, she has been a key member of organizing and scientific committees for various conferences, showcasing her dedication to advancing research in her field.

Specialized Projects and Predictive Research

Prof. Dr. Cancelo Márquez contributes to the Hispalink project, which predicts economic trends in Galicia, reflecting her expertise in econometrics and regional economic analysis.

Impactful Research

Her research has had a significant impact, addressing crucial issues such as female entrepreneurship, sustainable development, and the economic competitiveness of OECD countries. Her work on fostering sustainable development goals and examining gender gaps in entrepreneurship highlights her contributions to both academic research and societal development.


Given her extensive academic background, leadership roles, impactful research, and significant contributions to conferences and specialized projects, Prof. Dr. Maite Cancelo Márquez is indeed a suitable candidate for the “Best Researcher Award.” Her work not only advances the field of economics but also addresses pressing global challenges, making her a standout researcher in her domain.

Publication top notes

Social and human capital as determining factors of entrepreneurship in the Spanish Regions

Fostering the sustainable development goals from an ecosystem conducive to the SE: The Galician’s case

Econometric models of foreign trade in OECD countries

Female entrepreneurship: Can cooperatives contribute to overcoming the gender gap? A Spanish first step to equality

La evaluación de la investigación en España: los sexenios en las áreas de economía y empresa

Educación, inversión y competitividad en los países de la OCDE 1964-9

Crecimiento económico en los países de la OCDE 1: Modelos de crecimiento y empleo en Irlanda, Francia, España, Alemania, USA y Japón

Emisiones de CO2 y azufre y crecimiento económico:¿ Una curva de Kuznets ambiental?

Educación, investigación y desarrollo regional

Supply and Demand of Manufacturing Output in OECD countries: Econometric Models and Specification test



Furkan Kirazcı | Social Sciences | Research Hypothesis Excellence Award

Furkan Kirazcı | Social Sciences | Research Hypothesis Excellence Award

Dr Furkan Kirazcı, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey

Based on Dr. Furkan Kirazcı’s profile and achievements, he appears to be a strong candidate for the Research Hypothesis Excellence Award.

publication profile


Educational Background 🎓

Dr. Kirazcı’s educational journey includes a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Psychological Counseling and Guidance from Ondokuz Mayıs University and Gazi University, respectively. His PhD, completed in 2024 at Ondokuz Mayıs University, focused on “Job Entrapment: Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral Predictors and Outcomes,” demonstrating his deep engagement in advanced research within his field.

Academic and Professional Experience 💼

He has been a Research Assistant at Ondokuz Mayıs University’s Faculty of Education, contributing significantly to the field. His work is notable for its focus on critical areas like underemployment and job satisfaction, which aligns well with hypothesis-driven research.

Publications 📚

Dr. Kirazcı’s research has been published in reputable journals indexed in SSCI and TR, including “Journal of Career Assessment” and “Behavioral Sciences.” His articles cover topics such as the validation of subjective underemployment scales and the role of social support in job satisfaction, showcasing his capability in hypothesis-driven research.

Presentations and Grants 🎤💵

He has presented his work at various national and international conferences, emphasizing his commitment to advancing his field. His multiple TÜBİTAK scholarships further highlight his research excellence and potential.

Awards and Recognitions 🏆

Dr. Kirazcı was honored with the Successful Young Researcher Award by the Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Association, underscoring his exceptional contributions and promising research trajectory.

University Activities 🏫

His roles, including Academic Advisor and committee memberships, reflect his active involvement in academic and administrative duties, enhancing his profile as a dedicated researcher.

Overall, Dr. Kirazcı’s strong educational background, significant research contributions, and active involvement in academic activities make him a suitable candidate for the Research Hypothesis Excellence Award.

Research focus

Furkan Kirazcı’s research focuses on the intersection of psychology and employment, particularly in the context of university students transitioning into the workforce. His studies explore job market perceptions, underemployment, and job satisfaction, emphasizing the role of social support in these dynamics. Kirazcı’s work includes developing scales to measure job-seeking anxiety among students and applying work psychology theories to model the transition from education to employment. His recent articles address the adequacy of job roles, the impact of social support on job satisfaction, and models of decent work based on psychological theories. 🧠📈👔

publication top notes


Underemployment, Work Needs, and Job Satisfaction: Does Social Support Matter?

Çalışma Psikolojisi Kuramı Bağlamında İnsana Yakışır İş Modeli


Kadınların Lisansüstü Eğitim Niyetinde Aile-Kariyer Yönelimi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyetin Rolü


Muawya Hussein | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Muawya Hussein | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Dr Muawya Hussein, Dhofar University, Oman

Dr. Muawya Hussein appears to be a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award.

Publication profile

google scholar

Extensive Academic Background

Dr. Hussein holds a Ph.D. in Economics and has pursued additional qualifications, including a diploma in computer science and a professional trainer course.

Teaching and Research Experience

With decades of teaching experience across various institutions and countries, Dr. Hussein has a solid track record in economics education, including supervisory roles and contributions to curriculum development.

Awards and Recognition

He has received numerous awards for his contributions to research and education, including the VENUS International Foundation VIFRA 2015 award for distinguished achievement in economics and finance, and the PERFIGO awards for best research associate and assistant professor.

Research Contributions

Dr. Hussein’s research spans multiple important topics, such as environmental degradation, economic growth, sustainable development, and energy security. His work has been published in well-regarded journals and presented at international conferences.

Publication Impact

He has contributed to significant research that has influenced policy and academic thought in areas such as foreign direct investment, digitalization in developing economies, and energy’s role in poverty reduction.

Given his comprehensive academic profile, international research impact, and numerous recognitions, Dr. Hussein’s contributions make him a suitable candidate for the Best Researcher Award.

Publication top notes

Estimating role of green financing on energy security, economic and environmental integration of BRI member countries

Impacts of foreign direct investment on economic growth in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries

What affects digitalization process in developing economies? An evidence from SMEs sector in Oman

Analysis of energy as a precondition for improvement of living conditions and poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa

Costs of environmental degradation: An analysis in the Middle East and North Africa region

Y, Psi MM MSS, Iqbal S, Bilal AR (2021) Estimating role of green financing on energy security, economic and environmental integration of BRI member countries

Climate change impacts on East Africa

The adoption of information and communication technology by small and medium enterprises in Oman: Case of Dhofar region

The impact of capital market on the economic growth in Oman

The Role of Insurance Sector in the Development of the Economy of Oman.


Maja Jerrentrup | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Maja Jerrentrup | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr Maja Jerrentrup, University of Applied Sciences Landshut, Germany

Based on Prof. Dr. Maja Jerrentrup’s extensive experience in research and teaching, she is a highly suitable candidate for the Best Researcher Award.

Publication profile


Academic and Professional Experience

Prof. Dr. Maja Jerrentrup has an impressive academic and professional background, with her most recent role as a Professor and Program Leader in “New Media & Intercultural Communication” at the University of Applied Sciences Landshut. Her work focuses on transmedia, cultural and socio-political aspects, and she has actively contributed to establishing international collaborations and founding the “Centre for Media Culture.” Additionally, her previous positions include Associate Professor at Ajeenkya DY Patil University, Lecturer at various universities in Germany, and Faculty Member at the Indian Institute of Photography. These roles highlight her versatility and depth in both academic and artistic domains.

Practical/Artistic Professional Experience

Beyond academia, Prof. Dr. Jerrentrup is deeply engaged in practical and artistic endeavors. She has led applied research projects in intercultural aesthetics and has been involved in photography, digital art, and photojournalism through her platform, Her collaborations with notable brands like Nikon, Sony, and Adobe, along with her role as the leading editor for Sonic Media, demonstrate her ability to bridge the gap between academic research and practical application. Her contributions to international conferences, workshops, and exhibitions further underscore her influence in the fields of art and media.

Education and Scholarships

Prof. Dr. Jerrentrup’s academic achievements are marked by her Doctorate in Visual Anthropology from the University of Trier, completed with the highest distinction, and a Master’s in Media Science, Ethnology, and Psychology. She has been recognized with numerous scholarships and grants, including an Erasmus Scholarship and DAAD-Scholarship, as well as substantial funding for research projects like the LA-Proof and Smart-VHB. Her educational background and consistent recognition through prestigious scholarships underline her academic excellence and commitment to her fields of study.

Publications and Research Contributions

Prof. Dr. Jerrentrup has a prolific publication record, including monographs, peer-reviewed articles, and media projects. Her recent works, such as “Cover, Pages, Poster” and “A twisted style,” reflect her deep engagement with media, culture, and communication. Her articles in journals like the International Journal of Cultural Studies and Creativity Studies address contemporary issues such as AI-generated art and the creative innovation in body art. These publications not only demonstrate her scholarly output but also her ability to contribute original and impactful research to her field.

Awards and Recognition

Prof. Dr. Jerrentrup has been awarded several significant grants and scholarships, reflecting her ability to secure funding for her innovative research projects. Notably, she has received funding from the Center of Advanced Internet Studies and the Cluster of Excellence “Social Dependencies and Networks.” Her work has been recognized at various international platforms, adding to her credentials as a leading researcher in her field.

Overall Assessment

Prof. Dr. Maja Jerrentrup’s combination of academic rigor, practical experience, extensive publication record, and recognition through awards makes her a highly deserving candidate for the Best Researcher Award. Her work in media, culture, and intercultural communication, along with her leadership roles in academia and contributions to artistic fields, highlight her as a distinguished researcher with a broad impact.

Publication top notes

Imagine art: The status of works generated by artificial intelligence

I’m bad: The fascination of embodying the evil in a virtual world

Body art

Ugly on the internet: from #authenticity to #selflove

Staging the other: Orientalism in contemporary media practice

Arrogantly looked at: The status of the recipient in high fashion photography

A Non-Linear Style

Kein Fokus auf das Foto


Marc-Andreas Muendler | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Marc-Andreas Muendler | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Prof Marc-Andreas Muendler, University of California, San Diego, United States

Prof. Marc-Andreas Muendler is a distinguished professor at the University of California, San Diego, specializing in economics since July 2017 and serving as the Department Chair since July 2023. He is the founding director of the Globalization and Prosperity Lab (GP-lab). With extensive affiliations, he is a research professor at the ifo Institute, a research associate at NBER, and a research fellow at CESifo. His work focuses on international trade, economic growth, and labor economics. His research has been published in top-tier journals, highlighting his influential contributions to the field 🌍📚👨‍🏫.

Publication profile



🎓 Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, with a dissertation titled “Essays on International Trade, Growth, and Finance” (May 2002). 📚 Spent 2000-01 as a visiting doctoral student at Pontifícia Universidade Católica in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 🌍 Holds a Diplom-Volkswirt in Economics from Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, with a thesis on “The Impact of Government on Family Planning” (May 1998). 🎓 Earned an M.A. in Economics from Boston University (September 1997) and a Baccalaureat in Economics from Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (September 1996). 🌟


Marc-Andreas Muendler is a distinguished Revelle College Faculty Fellow at UC San Diego (2023-2024). He has collaborated with Reto Follmi and Hartmut Egger on projects funded by SNF and DFG (2021-2024). Muendler’s article on offshoring was among the top five most cited in the Journal of International Economics (2014-2016). He has co-investigated research for CEPR, PEDL, and Weiss Family Program Fund. He received numerous grants from NSF and the World Bank. Muendler’s work earned him the UCSD Faculty Teaching Award (2013-14) and the Journal of Development Economics Prize (2001). 🏆📊🌍

Research focus

Dr. Marc-Andreas Muendler’s research focuses on international trade and its economic impacts. His work explores firm-level export behaviors, market learning in employee spinoffs, and the relationship between trade and inequality. His studies often analyze data from various countries, examining how trade policies influence labor markets, wage inequality, and the allocation of tasks and skills both onshore and offshore. Key themes in his research include export dynamics, firm productivity, and multinational labor substitution. Dr. Muendler’s comprehensive approach bridges theoretical models with empirical evidence to better understand global economic patterns and their implications. 🌍📈💼👩‍🔬

Publication top notes

Do employee spinoffs learn markets from their parents? Evidence from international trade

Trade and inequality: From theory to estimation

Trade and tasks: An exploration over three decades in Germany

Export or merge? Proximity vs. concentration in product space

Exporters and their products: A collection of empirical regularities

Sources of wage inequality

Offshoring and the onshore composition of tasks and skills

Employee spinoffs and other entrants: Stylized facts from Brazil

Margins of multinational labor substitution


MBOHOU Sylvain | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

MBOHOU Sylvain | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Dr MBOHOU Sylvain, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, UEMA, Brazil

Dr MBOHOU Sylvain is an Assistant Professor specializing in the History of Contemporary Africa and The Global South in International Relations. Currently a postdoctoral researcher at Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Brazil, they also serve on the editorial committees of Nouvelle Afrique Editions and the International Journal of Business Diplomacy and Economy. With a Ph.D. in African History and International Relations from the University of Dschang, their research focuses on slavery, international relations, and heritage management. They have extensive teaching experience in Cameroon and have authored several impactful theses and reports. 🌟✍️

Publication profile



Dr. Dr MBOHOU Sylvain is an Assistant Professor teaching courses like “History of Contemporary Africa” and “The Global South in International Relations” since April 2024. Currently a postdoctoral researcher at Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Brazil, since June 2023, he also serves on the editorial committees of Nouvelle Afrique Editions and the International Journal of Business Diplomacy and Economy. An expert for AFFADA in Cameroon since 2015, he has been an associate researcher at CERPETA since 2014. He previously taught history at various institutions in Cameroon from 2009 to 2023. 🌍📚✍️✨

Academic Training and Certifications

Dr. MBOHOU Sylvain earned a Ph.D. in African History and International Relations from the University of Dschang, Cameroon, in 2021, graduating with the distinction “Very Honorable.” Prior to this, he completed a Master II in History of International Relations (2010-2012) and a Master I in the same field (2009-2010) at the same university. His academic journey began with a Bachelor’s Degree in History of International Relations, focusing on Political Science (2008-2009). He also obtained a Baccalaureate A4 in Spanish at the Government Classical High School of Malantouen in 2006. 📚🌍🎓


In 2024, I received a grant from the University of Virginia’s Center for Global Inquiry and Innovation (CGII). In 2023, I was awarded the Scientific Mobility Grant for the International Conference on “Slavery and Post-Slavery in Modern African History” and a scholarship from FAPEMA in collaboration with UEMA, Brazil. Additionally, I received an international scientific mobility grant from the Fondation pour la Mémoire de l’Esclavage (FME) and was a finalist for their best thesis competition on slavery. I also look forward to the Sue Peabody Award to support my attendance at the FCHS annual meeting. 🌍📚✨

Research focus

Sylvain Mbohou’s research focuses on the historical dynamics of slavery and post-slavery societies, particularly the experiences of enslaved children in the Bamum Kingdom of West Cameroon. His work explores the intersections of vulnerability, dependence, and social structures within these contexts. Through a detailed examination of the Bamum’s involvement in transatlantic and Arab-Muslim slave trades, Mbohou provides insights into the socio-cultural impacts on enslaved communities. His studies contribute to a deeper understanding of historical injustices and their lasting effects on contemporary societies. 📜🔍👶🏽✨

Publication top notes

Vulnerability and Dependence in Slavery and Post-Slavery Societies: A Historicisation of the Enslaved Children (<i>Pon Pekpen)</i> from the Bamum Kingdom West Cameroon)